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Saved by PBworks
on May 6, 2008 at 5:54:57 pm
Per quali attività fornisce l’acqua?
For which activities provides water?
Il Po fornisce acqua per uso civile, per le industrie, per l’agricoltura. La sua potenza viene inoltre sfruttata per produrre energia elettrica.
The Po river provides water for civil, industrial and agricultural usage. Its power is also used to produce electricity.
Ci sono inondazioni? In che periodo dell’anno? Sono sempre solo dannose?
Are there floods? In what part of the year? Are they always harmful?
Sì, anche se talvolta si tratta di semplici esondazioni stagionali. Ci sono state però nella storia del fiume alcune inondazioni veramente rovinose.
Le più recenti sono state quelle del 1994 e del 2000 ma molti ricordano ancora quella del Polesine del 1951, costata la vita a molte persone.
Le esondazioni avvengono più frequentemente in autunno e primavera.
Yes, although sometimes they are simple seasonal floods. In the history of the river there have been some really disastrous ones.
The last ones have been those of 1994 and 2000, but you can remember the Polesine one, in 1951, that had a high tribute of human lifes.
The floods more frequently occur in fall and spring time.
Ci sono periodi di secca? In che periodo dell’anno e in quali tratti?
Are there dry periods? In what part of the year and where?
I periodi di secca si concentrano soprattutto in inverno e in estate ed interessano in particolare il basso corso del Po, verso il suo delta
The dry periods happen especially in winter and summer, more frequently in the last part of the river, towards its delta.
Quali animali e quali piante vivono in questo fiume?
Which animals and plants live in the river?
Anche se l’inquinamento delle acque ha compromesso non poco la fauna del Po, nel fiume possiamo ancora trovare pesci come il pesce gatto, la carpa e le anguille verso il delta.
Ci sono poi uccelli come il martin pescatore e il pendolino.
Lungo le sponde del Po si trovano molti canneti.
Although water pollution has compromised the Po fauna, in the river you can still find fish such as catfish, carp and eel near the delta.
You can find as well fishes like the kingfisher and the “Pendolino”. Finally along the Po banks you can see many cane fields.

Quali sono i problemi da risolvere?
What are the problems to solve?
Il problema più grande per il fiume è legato all’inquinamento delle sue acque che purtroppo ricevono, anche attraverso i suoi numerosi affluenti gli scarichi industriali e dell’agricoltura come ad es. i pesticidi e i diserbanti.
Non mancano poi gli scarichi fognari delle grandi città.
Inoltre l’introduzione nel fiume del famigerato pesce siluro che si nutre di qualsiasi forma vivente presente nell’acqua, ha ulteriormente messo a rischio il suo ecosistema.  
The biggest problem for the river is related to its water pollution as it unfortunately receives, through its many tributaries, industrial and agricultural discharges such as pesticides, herbicides, and sewage of major cities.
Moreover, the introduction in the river of the well known “torpedo fish” that feeds of any living form, has further damaged his ecosystem.
In quale mare sfocia il Po?
To which sea the Po river leads?
Il Po sfocia nel mar Adriatico.
The Po flows into the Adriatic Sea.
La sua foce è a delta o ad estuario?
Is his mouth a delta or an estuary?
La sua foce è un ampio delta.
His mouth is a large delta.
Entra o esce da qualche lago?
Does it enter or exit any lake?
No it doesn’t
Il Po forma cascate?
Is the Po river forming cascades?
No it doesn’t
Su questo fiume sono nate o si sono sviluppate civiltà?
Do you mind if any civilization was born or had been developed on this river?
La civiltà più particolare che si sviluppò circa 3000 anni fa fu quella costituita da popolazioni che abitavano in villaggi di palafitte fortificati (cultura delle Terramare).
Sempre al nord, ma non solo lungo le rive del Po si sviluppò la civiltà villanoviana che soppiantò la cultura delle terramare.
The most important civilization grew around 3000 years ago and consisted of people who lived in villages of fortified piles (culture terramare).
Also in the north, and not only along the banks of the Po, grew the Villanovian civilization that supplanted the terramare culture.
The Po river provides
The Po river provides water for civil, industrial and agricultural usage
The Po river provides water for civil, industrial and agricultural usage. Its power is also used to produce electricity.








Dove nasce? (in quale Regione o Stato? Su quale montagna? A che altezza?)
Where does that river rise? (In what region, country, mountain. At which altitude?)

The Po river was born in Crissolo group of Monviso in the Alps Cozie to 2020 metres high.
Quanto è lungo?
How long is it?
The Po river is 652 km long
Qual è la larghezza massima?
How wide is it?
The maximum width of the river Po is 200/400 meters after Mantova
Qual è la profondità massima?
How deep is it?
The maximum depth of the river Po is 120 metres
Qual è la portata massima?
Which is its flow rate?
The maximum flow of the river is some 1,540 m³ / s
Quali regioni o Stati attraversa?
Which regions or countries it flows across?
Regions crossed by the river Po  are 4: Piemonte Lombardia, Veneto and Emilia Romagna
Quali importanti città tocca?
Which important cities it flows through?
The most important cities across the River Po are: Torino, Piacenza, Cremona, Ferrara
     Il Po a Torino
       Il Po a Piacenza
       Il Po a Cremona
         Il Po a Ferrara
E’ navigabile?
Is it a navigable river?
The Po river is navigable from after the city of Pavia
da grandi navi o da piccole barche?
Is that river sailed by small or large size boats or ships?
The commercial navigation  is possible in the Po from Piacenza to the sea for a distance of 382 km.
The navigation tourist with small boats can be on the river almost everything except the high Po.
Quanti e quali sono gli affluenti?
How many and which are its affluents ?
The Po is powered by 141 tributaries. The most important are: 
Maira, Dora Riparia, Dora Baltea, Sesia, Tanaro, Scrivia, Ticino, Trebbia, Curone, Adda, Oglio, Mincio, Secchia, Panaro











Fornisce acqua per quali attività?
Does it yeld water for what activities?
The Po river provides water for civil, industrial and agricultural usage. Its power is also used to produce electricity.
Ci sono esondazioni? In che periodo dell’anno e in che tratti? Sono sempre solo dannose?
Is it responsible for regular floodings? In which part of the year and in what parts of its path it spills? Are its floodings always harmful?
Yes, although sometimes they are simple seasonal floods. In the history of the river there have been some really disastrous ones.
The last ones have been those of 1994 and 2000, but you can remember the Polesine one, in 1951, that had a high tribute of human lifes.
The floods more frequently occur in fall and spring time.
Ci sono periodi di secca? In che periodo dell’anno e in che tratti?
Has it any dryness periods? In which month(s) of the year and in which parts of its path?
The dry periods happen especially in winter and summer, more frequently in the last part of the river, towards its delta. 
Quali animali e piante vivono in questo fiume?
What animal species and plants are living along that river?
Although water pollution has compromised the Po fauna, in the river you can still find fish such as catfish, carp and eel near the delta.
You can find as well fishes like the kingfisher and the “Pendolino”. Finally along the Po banks you can see many cane fields. 
Quali sono i problemi da risolvere per questo fiume? (animali o piante dannosi, inquinamento...)
Are there any problems to be solved for that river? (harmfull plants or animals, pollution...)
The biggest problem for the river is related to its water pollution as it unfortunately receives, through its many tributaries, industrial and agricultural discharges such as  pesticides, herbicides, and sewage of major cities.
Moreover, the introduction in the river of the well known “torpedo fish” that feeds of any living form, has further damaged his ecosystem. 
Il fiume in quale mare sfocia?
Which sea it flows into?
The Po flows into the Adriatic Sea.
La sua foce è a delta o ad estuario?
Is its mouth an estuary or a delta?
His mouth is a large delta.
Entra od esce da qualche lago?
Is it originated by any lake or has a lake in it course?
No it doesn’t
Questo fiume forma cascate?
Does it form waterfalls?
No it doesn’t
Su questo fiume sono nate e si sono sviluppate grandi civiltà?
Have been any great civilitations born and grown around it?
The most important civilization grew around 3000 years ago and consisted of people who lived in villages of fortified piles (culture terramare).
Also in the north, and not only along the banks of the Po, grew the Villanovian civilization that supplanted the terramare culture.



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