- What kind of culture do you have?
- Che tipo di cultura avete?
- We have different cultures like pharaonic; ancient Egyptians, gobtic and Islamic
- What do you think about the collaboration with us?
- Cosa pensate della collaborazione con noi?
- Fantastic as it enhances the relation between different countries exchange opinions in different
- What subjects do you study?
- Che cosa studiate?
- We study different subjects like Math, English, Frinch, Geography, History, Arabic and Science. |
- What do you think about our culture?
- Cosa pensate della nostra cultura?
- For me I consider it the mother and origin of world cultures |
- How large is your school?
- Quanto è grande la vostra scuola?
- I send you a photo of our school. It is rather big.
- What are your hobbies?
- Quali sono i vostri hobbies?
- Playing football and reading books.
- Are your teachers likable?
- I vostri insegnanti sono piacevoli?
- Most of teachers are likable where as some are frustrating
- How do you spend your daily life? Where do you live?
- Come impiegate la vostra giornata? Dove vivete?
- Studing, visiting some relatives, meeing friends and many other things
- What are your favourite sports?
- Quali sono i vostri sport preferiti?
- Football and tennis
- Which are the most appealing resources in Egypt?
- Quali sono le risorse più interessanti in Egitto?
- Agriculture, tourism and industry |
- What are your usual dresses?- Come vi vestite normalmente?
- Shirts and trousers.
- Are your town near the sea or in the hinterland?
- La vostra città è vicino al mare o nell'entroterra?
- No, I live far away from the sea.
- What's the most important economic activity your country?
- Qual è l'attività economica più importante del vostro Paese?
- Activating the monumental places
- How are your houses made of and look like?
- Come sono costruite le vostre case e che aspetto hanno?
- Blocks of flats
- How your towns look like?
- Che aspetto hanno le vostre città?
- Crowded with heavy traffics |
- How large is your town?
- Quanto è grande la vostra città?
- Very large but small areas crowded with habitats. |
- What are your parents' most common jobs?
- Quali sono i lavori più comuni dei vostri genitori?
- A farmer and a house wife.
- Are your school equipped with some laboratories and other special resources?
- La vostra scuola è equipaggiata con laboratori e risorse speciali?
- Yes four computer labs, wireless lab science lab music and art rooms |
- Have you problems with water (delivery, dinkableness, etc,)?- Avete problemi con l'acqua (mancanza, non potabilità...) ?
- No we have pure and clean water. |
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